Thursday, January 3, 2008

My realization

I had read these lines somewhere. I could not recall who wrote it and where I read. But these lines are my dearest possessions.

"After a while you learn the subtle difference, between holding a hand and chaining a soul. And you learn that love does not mean possession, and company does not always mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses are not contracts, and presents are not promises. And you begin to accept your defeats, with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of an adult, not the grief of a child. And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans, and futures have a way of falling down in flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns, if you get too much. So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure..."


Unknown said...

anek bhalo bhalo katha egulo...

anindita said...

Hello. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Seems you have just started with your blog. Happy blogging!

Sonali said...

It's true that if you wait to be happy, it may turn out to be an endless wait. However, if you choose to be happy and do what it takes to be happy, you'll be happy forever. In fact, we should learn to find happiness in the small things of life, which are often overlooked in the rat-race of life and career. Nevertheless, these small moments of happiness add up to nourish our souls and keep us in a thumbs up mood.

Lastly, here's wishing you, my fellow Kolkatan, a happy blogging experience.

Pritha said...

thnx for visiting my blog :)

snowprincess said...

grace of an adult..kathata khub khati...jeta amra ankeie baro haleo realise karina...sei chhotoder matoi abujh bhabe che jai..nijeke sajanor badole chai anne amr janno sajano dali nie asuk...bhule jai amder jemon bhalobasar theke ..samporker theke ank asa akankhya r chaoa paoa thake ..temoni kauke tar nijwaswo chhande chalte deoar maneo tar ichheke sanman kara.....khub kom purus ee eta bojhe....bhalo laglo ei realisation dekhe...and thanks for visting my blog..........

Priyanka Choudhury said...

thanx 4 d comment...nd welcome to the blogging community..d ideas u placed wre nice.........

Kousani said...

Very well written, like a collection of famous quotes! I am going to copy it!

Tanwistha said...

nice one..
btw,thanks for visiting and posting comments in my blog :)

ami pothik.............. said...

well said...

এলোমেলো ভাবনা - ১২

আজ  সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের জন্মদিন। সুনীল বাবুর উপন্যাস, কবিতা বা ইতিহাসধর্মী লেখালেখি অল্পস্বল্প যেটুকু পড়েছি, ভেবেছিলাম সেসব নিয়েই "অন...