Saturday, April 13, 2024

My recitations

I love reading books and reading poetry is a kind of addiction to me. It gets me emotionally invested. Recitation, to me, is an old habit that refuses to die with time. I was trained in reciting in my boyhood and adolescence, although for a short period. I used to recite regularly then. As I grew older, practising recitation became irregular. However, I keep going back to it as and when I feel up to it. It helps me stay calm.

Although I am not a regular elocutionist, let this place be the platform for sharing with you my recitations that are dear to my heart. Unshared likings scarcely bring happiness and hence tasteless.

Here's the link to my YouTube channel. Please listen to it at your convenience and if possible, subscribe to it.

Click on

P.S. The recitations are recorded ordinarily and unedited. The audio quality is not of professional level.

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এলোমেলো ভাবনা - ১২

আজ  সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের জন্মদিন। সুনীল বাবুর উপন্যাস, কবিতা বা ইতিহাসধর্মী লেখালেখি অল্পস্বল্প যেটুকু পড়েছি, ভেবেছিলাম সেসব নিয়েই "অন...