Monday, April 8, 2024

"You can't force someone to genuinely care about you.
You can't force someone to be faithful to you.
You can't force someone to be the person you need them to be.
The truth is, sometimes the person you want the most is the same person you would be best without.
You have got to understand some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay."

--Cody Bret

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এলোমেলো ভাবনা - ১২

আজ  সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের জন্মদিন। সুনীল বাবুর উপন্যাস, কবিতা বা ইতিহাসধর্মী লেখালেখি অল্পস্বল্প যেটুকু পড়েছি, ভেবেছিলাম সেসব নিয়েই "অন...