Saturday, April 24, 2021

Talent finds it own way to express itself. Below is the scanned photo of our belated mother. The photo was taken before her marriage when she was doing her graduation. She was 21 years old then. After the sudden demise of our mother on September 05, 2020, my elder sister made this photo a DP in her WhatsApp for some days. Smt. Jyothsna Ganji, one of my elder sister's colleagues, who happens to be an art teacher in the same school where my elder sister is teaching, took a screenshot of that photo in her mobile phone that time. It was a complete surprise until yesterday when Smt. Ganji gifted my elder sister a pencil sketch of that photo. Life is full of surprises indeed!! I do not deserve to make any comments on the pencil sketch as I am not an expert in painting. Let the viewers judge it. However, this pencil sketch is a treat to our eyes. Words fail to express our feelings. We are thankful for this priceless piece of art. We convey our sincere regards to Smt. Jyothsna Ganji. 

Suman Sinha

The original photo

The pencil sketch

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এলোমেলো ভাবনা - ১২

আজ  সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়ের জন্মদিন। সুনীল বাবুর উপন্যাস, কবিতা বা ইতিহাসধর্মী লেখালেখি অল্পস্বল্প যেটুকু পড়েছি, ভেবেছিলাম সেসব নিয়েই "অন...